Thursday, November 4, 2010

Star Wars Augmented Reality Game

Star Wars Arcade: Falcon Gunner, developed by Vertigore Games and published by THQ Wireless, takes your surroundings and sticks them outside Han Solo's crosshairs. Whether it's the New York skyline or an IHOP parking lot, you'll be able to blast TIE Fighters out of the sky as if they were invading right now, in a galaxy really, really close. The game will also feature other iconic moments from the Star Wars universe—the escape from the Death Star, the Battle of Hoth—with the option of switching between rendered backgrounds and AR scenery from your device's camera.

The title—available later this month for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 4th Gen—looks pretty responsive in the exclusive preview footage above, with very slick implementation of augmented reality stuff that's usually pretty gimmicky. No word if it'll include any awesome one liners from Han or Lando, but maybe you can get a helpful female friend to stand in for Leia and utter "Here they come!" as you spin around blasting away outside.


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